Main image: “The Fall of Numenor,” an allusion to Atlantis made by J.R.R. Tolkien well after HP Lovecraft did his stuff.


The return of Cowboy Faggot

Official Website – "the best music this side of tomorrow" - said Margaret Thatcher's ghost to some other cunt's ghost

The return of Cowboy Faggot

February 21, 2021 Anecdotes 5

Last Updated on February 24, 2021

Subject: The return of Cowboy Faggot


Message Body:

Buenos Dias, CC


I wrote and sent cash to you back in early 80s while I was living in Houston, Texas. You sent me a scribble on back of some padded faux brick wallpaper addressed to Cowboy Faggot. Ha!

1 Bebside Hall, Bebside, Blythe Northumberland if memory serves.


Well, I’m still a fan of your work. Hanging onto most everything, even the CUNT cassette, along with the LP aresenal. A buddy downloaded some rare tracks from soulseek some years ago and while there are some gaps in it, I’m happy to have that too.


Have turned on dozens of friends and taxi fares over the years to your music. Just thought I’d let you know.



Brent aka Cowboy Faggot


5 Responses

  1. Strangely says:

    I most humbly apologize for any offence you may have taken. We were blotto.
    If I recall, my memory seems to point to Austin, not Houston; I got a funny feeling with the envelope, like I’d hear back from it. Most, we just assumed that we’d have pissed people off so much we’d never ever hear back from them again. If you’re the same guy, I think we sent you a weirdly abusive personalized cassette too…? I can’t remember the brick wallpaper, but it seems about right…we did posters and all sorts of artwork with whatever was about.
    I heard it on the grapevine in the early days of the web with newsgroups, that Kurt Cobain was a recipient of our replies to a letter. I can’t remember anything with that name so can’t vouch for the veracity of it, but if it’s true, then you’re in good company.
    You’ve probably got a bigger CC collection than me. With your permission I’d like to add your email, with context, to the band website. Maybe a rude cowboy hat photo if you have one?


    • Brent says:

      Rees MOFO!

      Texas Cowboy Faggot
      Nice return time. NO apologies. One of the best responses I’ve ever gotten in my life. Bragging rights with all my CC fan buddies.

      Feel free to add my email to your list. and the pic below.

      After I sent the money for tapes, you sent the letter and “thanks for the money, we’re off to the pub”… But no cassettes!
      After a few months I wrote again all pissed off and you sent the cassettes then.

      In the original letter I had asked if you were fans of Faust. You replied “As for Faust, who’s she?”

      In the sleeve of the Homunculus cassette someone wrote “may this curse follow you to the gates of paradise”. Golden.

      Stay safe and keep crazy, my friend.


      • Strangely says:

        Hi Brent…. Hope you’re well.
        Was one of the cassettes you got called “Letter to America”? Just asking, because I came across a recording that I think was meant for you!!! Very personal, rude, cheeky and disrespectful. We sound quite drunk and had our voices plugged through my ring modulator. It’s just me and Jeff mouthing off. Some of it is quite witty, most isn’t….


  2. Strangely says:

    The pub bit sounds like Jeff, probably was, but not for deffs, just sounds like what he would’ve said. I posted on my personal website here “Crawling Chaos – shouting at dozy twats” in 2007 which should be read for context. For a bit more clarity into our states of minds at that time, read about the Crawling Chaos Magazine….

  3. I did not receive that cassette. Perhaps it did go to someone in Austin. If you still have the tape, sounds like you do! I’d love to get a copy of it. Brently Pusser aka Cowboy Faggot.

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Main image: “The Fall of Numenor,” an allusion to Atlantis made by J.R.R. Tolkien well after HP Lovecraft did his stuff.
